Entries by Molly Ireland

Trusting Life

When I trust as a way of being in the world, it doesn’t mean I’m always happy or happy with what happens to me. It means I refuse to allow my personal fears, or any collective ones I’ve picked up along the way, to taint how I see the world. Trusting as a way of […]

Our Water Must Move

Cyclone Gabrielle As New Zealand mops up and mends the damage from Cyclone Gabrielle, I am struck by the sheer power of nature itself and how we as human beings are intricately connected both physically and energetically to it. We can feel this connection through our waters or its link to our feeling selves. Humans […]

Smarter Not Harder

“Work” is Obsolete. Traditionally we’ve idealized hard work, self-sacrifice and restraint. Even though most of us were raised on this ethic, it’s rapidly becoming old news, and this is good news. If you’re not sure, just ask any Gen Zer. And like outdated software for which we now have more efficient and effective IT options, […]

Santa Isn’t Real?

Even if you don’t want your 5-year-old to read this, releasing the lies you’ve lived by is life changing. For those of us who grew up with Christmas and all of its festive trappings, we can learn a lot by releasing untruths just like we did when we figured out that Santa was fabricated. A boy […]

The Thief

Lose Your Head If someone snuck into your house tonight and robbed you of your prize possessions, you wouldn’t like it would you?  Yet, this is exactly what you tolerate when your mind runs your life.  It sneaks in and steals your peace and presence.  It tells you stories about what it thinks has happened, […]

Open The Door

Access The Beauty I often forget I’m a human being. I forget to stop. To stop rushing away into some future moment or improved version of myself. In spending the holidays with Phoebe, my 18-month old granddaughter, she helped me return to the simplicity and the magnificence of who I am, who we all are. […]

It’s All in The Repair

This is one of the most liberating beliefs I’ve ever come across: We can fix what we muck up. While initially, this doesn’t seem terribly profound; it is, in fact, one of the most useful understandings for creating and sustaining a fulfilled life. Until I deeply understood this concept, I was often too afraid to […]

The Social Media Muse

Navigating Social Media Recently, the number of questions I’ve received from my younger clients asking how they can manage their relationships with social media in healthier ways has surprised me. Not that the questions aren’t relevant but just because of their source. Most teens and young adults today have grown up online and feel as […]

I Will Meet You There

Tolerance We live in divisive times. Despite our similarities, we are focused on our differences, especially when we perceive them to be a matter of life or death or to threaten our way of life in some way. A return to what we have in common is needed now more than ever – a return […]

Enduring Hard Times

Pulled Between Two Branches In rural Alaska where I grew up, many people cure animal hides, particularly caribou and moose. Placed in the sun and the wind, the hides hang for weeks over summer. There to endure and to be made into something stronger and more malleable. Made useful for many things after being lashed for […]