Entries by Molly Ireland

Facing The Dark

I See You These are three of the most powerful words in the English language. Why is this? Because as human beings we have a deep need to know that we exist. Another way of saying it is that we matter – to ourselves and others. Regardless of our race, religious beliefs, competencies, or shortcomings, […]

“Time Management”

Does Time Manage You? Are you sick and tired of running out of time? Does it seem like there is never enough? Did last year “go really fast”? If these sound familiar, then you’re probably suffering from Time Sickness. Most of us have a deeply unhealthy relationship with time. And, if you have, it’s no […]

Welcome The Strange

Strong Mental Health Growth, why should we care about it? Isn’t growth something that babies and children do? Doesn’t growth stop after school and reverse as we age? If you want strong mental health, then the answer to these questions is a resounding, no. Because when the concept of growth is shifted into a love of […]

Radical Acceptance

Families Are Chaotic The perfect family does not exist: you need to stop trying to make yours perfect. Instead, we need to accept our families – and the individuals who make it up – just the way it is even when we know it could be better. Families are perpetrators of some of the messiest […]

Living “At-Cause”

How in charge are you? A funny question I know. Most people think they are. Yet, when we look closely at our responses to what happens to us sometimes the reality is very different from the thought. When a co-worker criticises you, for example, do you stop and reflect on it and decide whether or […]

Digital Body Language

Your body language is always saying something. An earlier post discussed the importance of body language in person; this one looks at it during video conferences. We spend a lot of time in meetings and many of them, thanks to companies like Zoom, and Google Hangouts, are held digitally, offering richer ways to communicate. And we’ve […]

Do You Speak Body Language?

It didn’t make sense. A week ago Tayla’s supervisor seemed positive about her proposal. Sure, he hadn’t made much eye contact and looked distracted. But she’d just put that down to him being busy because he’d used the words “the project will probably get the go-ahead.” So when he turned it down, Tayla was shocked. If […]

Don’t hold onto clouds

Changing Depression We are never the same person we were yesterday. Even if we’re with the same people, eat the same foods, and watch the same TV shows, we’re always changing. Our feelings are not what we felt yesterday, even if they seem the same. Every cell is constantly renewing itself. Every experience is filtered […]

Are You Sleep Running Through Life?

If you’re prioritising the needs of others over your own, then the answer is yes.  After my husband died following a long battle with chronic depression, I “woke up” and realised that I didn’t even know what I wanted for breakfast, let alone who I was or what made me happy. For so long all […]