Entries by Molly Ireland

A Body Grateful

A sunset.  A hug.  A helping hand. Have you ever stopped to think about how genuine gratitude feels to your body? Your thoughts impact your body quickly and in profound, physical ways. Grounded Gratitude The key to an effective gratitude practice is embodiment or another way to think about this is to use an elevated, […]

“I Just Stopped By To Stir Your Soul”

An amazing woman In 1994, having grown up in South Central LA, Lisa Nichols was “broke and broken.” With less than $12 in her bank account, she was a single mom who had barely had enough money to buy nappies for her baby son. Without anything to her name, the odds of getting out of poverty […]

Self-Love in Five Minutes

Life’s give and take becomes blissful. We love life and life loves us back. This is one of my favourite quotes from medical doctor and spiritual teacher Deepak Chopra. Because this is what happens when we’re able to tap our inner source of unconditional love. Many things can trigger a hardening of our hearts: the stress […]

Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit

A novel by Jeannette Winterson of the same name points out multiple ways to love. This principle, in fact, applies beyond relationships to absolutely EVERYTHING in life. Any event can be interpreted in multiple ways. This may not seem like a groundbreaking revelation, but it actually is if we live its wisdom. The meaning we […]

Trust Your Felt Sense

Your Own Natural Intelligence (NI) In an earlier post, I talked about how our “gut brains” contain many more neurons than our spinal cords. Here I’ll explore another amazing resource: the felt sense, which encompasses a distinctive quality of internal experience that registers in our bodies.  If tapped, the felt sense becomes a powerful decision-making tool. You […]

Brain Below Your Belt

Trust Your Gut We’ve heard it said before, but how do we actually do it? For some of us, it can be challenging, particularly if we spend a lot of time stuck in our heads or have become practiced at tuning into others and prioritising their needs over our own. But with a little awareness, you […]

Listen To Me

The more we don’t listen; the more we don’t hear, and the more frantically we long for it. If I could change one thing in the world it would be for all of us to become better listeners, even 25% better would radically change ourselves, our relationships and our world at large. The research is […]

Practice Makes Expert

“We get good at what we practice.” I learned this line from NLP Trainer Richard Bolstad and I love it. I also use it all of the time with my family and my clients. This statement is both the essence of Richard as a person and NLP as a discipline with its pragmatic and life-affirming approach to […]

A Candle In The Field

Every child is like a lit candle trying to burn as brightly as he or she can. Some children shine brightly from the beginning, automatically and at an early age, but others start faint and grow brighter as they grow. Sometimes their flames can be difficult to detect. In a field or meadow flooded with […]